Tuesday, June 2, 2009

#20 chapter 6 summary

after a couple of hours monique and jordan left and said they'd be back. they left angel behind.aunt queen and angel started talking. queen asked angel how she liked cinninatti and if she missed her grandma.when gerald came back him and aunt queen talked about the offer, he didnt want to go. then angel and him went outside to teach angel how to ride a bike. aunt queen felt flushed, warm, dizzy, faint, tingly, and she couldn't breathe. she went to call for gerlad but her chest felt as if it were about to explode then suddenly fell out of her wheel chair with soft thud.

#19 chapter five summary

its geralds 9th b-day. he mets monique and his new family. its now monique, jordan, and angel. that morning gerald dreaded waking up.he heard all the voices and just wanted them to go away.when he came down the stairs he could smel warm mapel syrup and that smell he'll forever remember. after all those years his mama looked exactly the same, she even laughed the same. then he saw jordan; a tall, muscuar, chocolate colored man with steel point cowboy boots on. and after thinking all the surprises he hears a "hi" from the smallest person in the biggest chair in at the table. this was angel. monique thinks everything is fine and asks gerald to move back in with her. gerald screams no! and takes off on his new 10 speed red bike.

#18 chapter four summary

in chapter four aunt queen explains how when she took in gerald his mom went to jail for child abandonment. and now after six years shes out and started her life again. gerald said he knew where she was and that he chose to forget about it and her. it is said that monique has been out for a year and monique says that she didn't want to see him right when she got out because she didnt want him to have so many reasons to not be proud of her.

#17 chapter three summary

Six years later gerald sat idly on aunt queens wheelchair ramp rolling rocks down it. after all this time his favorite spot in the house is aunt queens ramp. it's launched toy cars, boats, bigwheel riding toys, skateboards and a go cart he made himself. he's quite and listens more than he talks. he barely ever asks about he mama anymore. although money was always tight aunt queen gave gerald everything she could. she was a very hospitable lady who never thinks of herself first. and the day before geralds ninth birthday queen tells gerald that his mamas coming to visit.

#16 chapter two summary

Gerald wakes up in the hospital in this chapter. he sees a pretty black lady dressed in all white. her and another doctor were talking about how he's doing, mama, his bruises and old scars. then his savior aunt queen comes to his his rescue. she came and took him in.

#15 chapter one summary

In chapter one we are introduced to "mama" a.k.a monique, baby gerald, mr.leroy, and aunt queen.gerald and mama live together, she leaves alot. mr. leroy is a good friend who gives mama the white stuff. gerald's a well behaived child he knows not to bother mama after shes done the white stuff. he also knows not to wake up mama especially if someones in bed with her. and not to mess with the fire dance or his home.(a lighter) when mamas on the white stuff gerald used to get hit with her blets or shoes. once queen found gerald curled up behind the couch sucking his thumb. he was soaked, smelly, shivering and starving. then one day when mama went went out and gerald decided to play with mamas lighter and his new g i joe and set the curtains on fire in the dining room.

#14 journal 37

sophies choice- what would you have done??

if i was in sophies place i would push both of my kids behind me tell them to run when the gestapo got to five and have him shoot me.