Tuesday, June 2, 2009

#4 teacher interview


As a mother of three; who attend piper. Mrs. Seaman is a teacher, mother, daughter, niece, friend, and scholar. Before becoming a teacher Mrs. Seaman worked in the business world. After getting a good taste of what it’s like; she soon realized that the career she once desired faded quickly.

Soon after realizing the business world wasn’t for her; she started to realize her love for kids. With her three kids all enrolled and attending school Mrs. Seaman helped them with homework, solved their problems, and also answered their questions. Mrs. Seaman decided on her new profession; she wanted to become a teacher. But not just any teacher, Mrs. Seaman wanted to become science teacher for the glorious piper high.

With high hopes, a love for children, and learning Mrs. Seaman took the challenge of going back to school to get her degree in sciences. But even with those obstacles beat and out of the way. She needed to accomplish much, much more that were coming towards her. Mrs. Seaman needed to find a school, get a subbing job, and hopefully get a full time position as a teacher. She has now accomplished all of those goals and is now a chemistry teacher, teaching in the five-hundred building.

So if you didn’t know her now you do! This is Mrs. Seaman a caring and loving teacher, mother and friend.

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